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Lap Swim 

LARPD offers lap swimming at the Robert Livermore Aquatic Center. Swimmers must be at least 14 years old to participate.

  • Swimmers can swim any time during the posted lap swim hours; no lane reservations are required, and lane availability is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • During heavy use, lap swimmers will be required to circle swim and share a lane with multiple swimmers.
  •  For more info, email or call 925-373-5700.
  • To stay updated on the Lap Swim program, please sign up for the following: Lap Swim Email.
DatesDaysRLAC Times
7/22/24- 5/1/25M-F* 6am - 1pm
7/22/24- 5/1/25 M-Th* 6:45pm - 8pm
7/22/24- 5/1/25 Sat9:30am - 12pm


Lap Swim FeesAdults (14+)Seniors (55+)
Daily Drop-In (per Visit)$6$5
*Monthly Unlimited$80$64
*Monthly Light (8-Visits)$40$32

Modified Hours 6am-10am: 2/27, normal evening hours.

Holiday Hours 8am-1pm: 1/20, 2/17

No Lap Swim: 1/11, 3/15

*Monthly passes expire at the end of each month; unused visits may not be refunded, credited, or rolled over to the next month.

Register for a Lap Swim Pass HERE.