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LARPD Tax-Sharing Agreement with East Bay Regional Park District

This page will continue to be updated as new information becomes available. 


In 1992, LARPD entered into an agreement with the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) that gave EBRPD the responsibility to acquire and develop regional parks, open space and trails in LARPD’s service area in exchange for a portion of LARPD’s property tax revenue.  

Rock formations with green grass and moss under a cloudy sky.

Since the agreement went into effect, EBRPD has received $110 million in property tax revenue from the LARPD service area.


LARPD believes that the share of property tax revenue that EBRPD receives is not being sufficiently invested in the acquisition and development of regional parks, open space and trails in LARPD’s service area – as is required in the agreement. 

Next Steps:

LAFCo Review of Funds Spend Related to Tax Sharing Agreement in LARPD Service Area

Alameda LAFCo (Local Agency Formation Commission), which oversees local government agreements to ensure fair resource sharing and sustainable service delivery, has requested that EBRPD provide a detailed accounting of the property tax revenue received from the LARPD service area, along with an explanation of how these funds have been allocated within that area.

LARPD is committed to providing the community access to all the details about this issue to ensure taxpayers are receiving the services that had been agreed upon in the tax-sharing agreement with EBRPD.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why did LARPD enter into the tax-sharing agreement with EBRPD? 

In 1992, the LARPD Board of Directors entered into an agreement with EBRPD with the belief that EBRPD would be better equipped to manage and deliver certain regional park services within the LARPD service area.

At the time, this partnership was expected to provide a more effective and efficient approach to managing park resources in the area.

Additionally, in 1992, the amount of funding received by EBRPD under the agreement was more aligned with the direct contributions back to the LARPD service area, ensuring a fair return for the services provided.

What has changed since LARPD entered into the tax-sharing agreement with EBRPD? 

LARPD has raised concerns about the effectiveness of the agreement and believes that the share of property tax revenue that EBRPD receives is not being sufficiently invested in the acquisition and development of regional parks, open space and trails in LARPD’s service area – as is required in the agreement. 

In response, Alameda LAFCo (Local Agency Formation Commission) has requested a full accounting of the property tax revenue received from the LARPD service area and how those funds have been allocated.


If you have questions about this matter, please contact

Additional Information:

We encourage community members to learn more about this important issue. You can find additional details and background information in the following two documents from 1992: